

The title says it all: 3 pupils make 3 short films together. Each student directs one film, takes the camera and stars in one. The young people choose the topics themselves.
As part of the ‘Kultur macht stark’ programme, the Pfefferwerk Foundation made the ‘3 OF A KIND’ project by Sebastian Krumeich possible.
The filmmaker also came to us with his idea and made short films with 25 young people. The filming shows how much fun it was for everyone and how professionally they acted in front of and behind the camera within a short space of time.

After a short introduction, we got straight down to business: the young people were able to try out their first camera angles and come up with a story.

All the films will be watched together on our final evening at the end of February.
Some of them will then be shown on YouTube and on our Fliegerwerkstatt website.


A Visit to Hangar 4

Our friends at the Museum of Technology regularly give our young aircraft enthusiasts great guided tours of Hangar 4, where three historic aircraft are being restored: the Ilyushin IL-14, the Douglas C-54 Skymaster (‘Rosinenbomber’) and the Fokke-Wulf 200 (Condor).

Come and play!

Planned by the friends’ association, financed by Berliner Sparkasse, realised with the help of Fliegerwerkstatt: a large game with 30cm high figures has been created for the schoolyard of Ernst-Habermann-primary school.

We start with the workshop weeks

Together with our project partner ‘Arbeit und Bildung e.V.’, the programme ‘Practical training and basic qualification for young refugees’ is starting again this school year – funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family. During the orientation phase, all six groups come to the Fliegerwerkstatt for a week. The focus here is on arriving, getting to know each other and gaining initial professional orientation.

In the next stage, the young people come to the Fliegerwerkstatt three days a week after two school days or are on a work placement.

Get-to-know-you games on day 1  *  Practice pieces at the workbench  *  Making work clothes with screen printing  *  Collaboration on ongoing larger projects: e.g. planting in the courtyard, welding a metal stand, partition walls for the hangars in Tempelhof  *  Daily cooking and lunch together.

Welcome Binta!

We are delighted to have the support of Binta, our new federal volunteer in the Fliegerwerkstatt!

Our programme for the summer holidays at the Fliegerwerkstatt

We have a full two-week programme right at the start of the holidays:

22-26 July 2024 – daily from 10 am – 6 pm

Welding workshop and wood workshop

29 July to 2 August 2024 – daily 10 am – 6 pm

Mornings: wood workshop
Afternoons: sports & games

We look forward to welcoming young people aged 12 and over. Registration by e-mail to: – Admission free!

Festival furniture for public viewing at Tempelhof Airport

We have been building festival furniture for the public viewing on the apron of Tempelhof Airport for weeks.

So far, over 300 pallets have been used by the young people of the Fliegerwerkstatt – and there will be many more to build a total of nine seating islands for festivals.


Tickets for the Festival of Respect are available from Tamaja www.little-social-festivals! Be part of it! The European Championship kicks off on June 14!

Extension to the Luftschloss for the Atze Musiktheater

For the theater season at Tempelhofer Feld, we added a few more extensions to the Atze Musiktheater: Stairs, handrails, platforms and two advertising pillars were built in the Fliegerwerkstatt and assembled on site.

The e-mobile not only ensures fast transportation, but also provides a lot of fun!

Lounge Areas for the Hangars 2+3

Our young people have designed and built a seating area for the emergency accommodation and reception centre in Hangars 2+3 at Tempelhof Airport. Together with the refugees from the hangars the modules were planned to create spaces where people can come together in small groups.

Our funding requests for this project were rejected – but thanks to our loyal donors, we can still realise such ideas. Many thanks for so much support!