The title says it all: 3 pupils make 3 short films together. Each student directs one film, takes the camera and stars in one. The young people choose the topics themselves.
As part of the ‘Kultur macht stark’ programme, the Pfefferwerk Foundation made the ‘3 OF A KIND’ project by Sebastian Krumeich possible.
The filmmaker also came to us with his idea and made short films with 25 young people. The filming shows how much fun it was for everyone and how professionally they acted in front of and behind the camera within a short space of time.

After a short introduction, we got straight down to business: the young people were able to try out their first camera angles and come up with a story.

All the films will be watched together on our final evening at the end of February.
Some of them will then be shown on YouTube and on our Fliegerwerkstatt website.